I do not have a formal education in medicine and I do not claim to know more than any expert in the field of medicine but I believe experience is the best teacher, prevention is better than cure and natural treatment is almost always the best choice.
Since Covid 19 is the talk of the whole world today. let us talk about how to avoid getting it and if you have it , how can you help yourself.
All the methods mentioned here have been proven effective by a number of people who had close contacts asymptomatic Covid positive. While others were infected those who do these methods (by God's grace) were not. Therefore, it is wise to conclude that these methods should be done by everyone unmindful of whether you go out of your house or not and all the more if you go out for whatever reason. Take note that even if you don't go out, you can still get the virus through the things that were bought outside like grocery items and the likes.
1. Gargle with warm salt water 3 or more times a day. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a full glass of warm water and gargle the solution not just within your mouth but up to your throat for a few seconds before spitting it out. Repeat the procedure until the full glass is done.
2. Drink boiled ginger while it is yet warm in the morning and before you go to sleep. ( A mixture of white and yellow ginger is healthier). The pungent and spicy taste of white ginger can strengthen your throat and can kill the virus while it is still in your mouth while the yellow ginger is packed with health benefits that can boost your immune system.
3. Drink pure calamansi or lemon juice. If your stomach is not sensitive to its very sour taste then good for you because the sour taste can also kill the virus in your mouth. If you can't drink this puree then add warm water with salt.
4. Have a daily intake of Sodium Ascorbate(generic or branded whichever fits your budget), two capsules a day will help a lot.
5. Take Malunggay or Moringa smoothie every day or every other day. This is packed with all the necessary vitamins that boost your immune system. To neutralize the strong bitter taste of moringa you may add lemon juice or any better tasting fruit like avocado, apple or whatever is available in your kitchen. Put a handful of moringa with a little water and your desired fruit in a blender then make a smoothie and drink immediately. This will undoubtedly strengthen your immune system.
6. So much has been said about eating well-balanced diet wearing mask, washing hands with soap and water, sanitizing with alcohol and the likes so I need not explain this but this is very necessary so never skip them.
Please note that the above procedures are not just for prevention but also for those who already have Covid but asymptomatic. Let me tell you about 3 of my friends who got infected but were asymptomatic. They chose to be isolated at home instead of going to the hospital but with proper monitoring by the Health Emergency Response Team of their community. They do these procedures each day and by God's grace, they got negative results sooner than expected.
Those who have health issues such as diabetes, asthma, pneumonia and other lung and even heart disease must do these to avoid acquiring the corona virus. It is sad to say but based on facts, they are the ones who find it hard to recover from Covid so why risk your lives when you can do something to avoid the virus?
The above procedures may sound too time-consuming and will require some effort on your part but it will definitely protect your. Covid-19 is no joke so let us be serious in fighting against it lest we end up being delivered in a jar.
Above all God is our shield and protector. Let us trust Him and keep begging for his mercy and grace. He alone can keep us safe and He alone can put an end to this pandemic.
Be safe everyone and God bless you all.
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